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Affichage des articles du octobre, 2017


Oats Studios brings to life the next chapter in the Adam story, made in real-time using Unity. Join our amnesiac hero as he discovers a clue about ..

Digital painting Step by step

Step by step by MICHAL LISOWSKI Digital Painter Warsaw, Poland

How to Draw Isometric Art Using a Hex Grid | Illustrator Tutorial

A great lesson on how to Isometric Art !

Concept Art Tutorials: Sci Fi Character Design

A great lesson on how to come up with a character.

Drawing Materials - Everything to get started drawing

Draw texture : Draw light, color and shadow : How to paint in photoshop Rocks How to draw materials  Stream # 71: How to Draw Icons

Film concept art #STAR WARS

The Art & Design of the Star Wars Saga (featuring Concept Art) The Star Wars films are known for their creativity and quality design work. The remote worlds, the outlandish creatures, and the sleek starfighters - all the designs begin as conceptual artwork. In this supercut I've compiled Star Wars concept art and compared it to the final design on screen. Enjoy!